SPM sister company launches signature program Brand Camp
SPM sister company Amberdella has launched its signature program Brand Camp. Brand Camp is a 4-month signature program that teaches entrepreneurs how to discover their unique...
Amberdella to speak at Disrupt Madison in June
Yesterday, Disrupt Madison formally announced that SPM founder and brand strategist Amber Swenor (Amberdella) would be taking the stage on June 6, 2018, giving a talk titled...
Five Steps to Become a Social Media Guru
Most companies have social media presences… but do they truly know how to use them in their favor? Here are five steps to follow in order to become to the social media guru of...
SPM educates Dane Buy Local members about marketing to Millennials
On January 9, SPM founder Amber Swenor presented at the January 2018 Dane Buy Local Breakfast at The East Side Club in Madison, Wisconsin, discussing various ways small...
Strategic Partners Marketing welcomes Amy Kelly as Senior Media Buyer
Strategic Partners Marketing welcomes Amy Kelly as its Senior Media Buyer. Amy joins SPM with more than 16 years of experience in the industry. She previously worked at Media...
Strategic Partners Marketing welcomes Hannah Richardson as Account Coordinator
Strategic Partners Marketing welcomes Hannah Richardson as its newest Account Coordinator and Digital Advertising Specialist. Hannah previously worked as Account Executive for...
SPM founder Amber Swenor presents at DisruptHR Milwaukee
This Tuesday, SPM founder Amber Swenor presented at the inaugural Disrupt Milwaukee event, which was hosted at the Best Place at The Historic Pabst Brewery. The event featured 10...
SPM founder Amber Swenor selected as ATHENA Young Professional Award finalist
SPM founder Amber Swenor was nominated and selected as a finalist for the ATHENA Young Professional Award, attending the luncheon at the Madison Club. Amber’s work ethic,...
SPM and Amberdella Consulting featured at Doyenne Startup Showcase
On Wednesday, October 25, the Doyenne Group hosted its first Doyenne Startup Showcase at Yahara Bay Distillery in Madison, Wisconsin. At the event, Amber Swenor, founder of...
Five Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make (And How to Correct Them)
After months of planning and preparation, you’ve finally opened the doors to your small business. You have a great new product or service to sell to a target audience, and you...